Varanasi Perodot Collection – Bracelet

Peridot is a special stone, one of the very few that occurs in only one colour its either green peridot, or itsnot peridot at all.


Sku: 33255

One of my favourite festivals in the world is Holi, the joyous spring Hindu celebration thats a riot ofcolours. Last year I was in Varanasi, an ancient city on the banks of the Ganges River in Northern India,joining the festivities as laughingpeople covered each other in brightly hued powders and liquids.I was covered head to toe in multiple hues and I definitely was not supposed to be working.But amidst the explosion of colour, one particular shade caught my eye, and, before I rememberedI was on vacation, I found myself inside a gemstone dealers tiny but tidy store, eye to eye with astunning display of olive-green peridot. The result is the Varanasi Peridot Collection, headlined byan 80-carat peridot necklace of perfectly sunny yellow-green discs on a gold-finished chain. Peridotis a special stone, one of the very few that occurs in only one colour its either green peridot, or itsnot peridot at all. I negotiated a great price then and there in the dealers shop, sealed with ahandshake that produced a puff of brightly coloured powder. That handshake means we can offeryou the Varanasi Peridot Collection for an amazing price. So now you can join in the Holi festivitiesand cover yourself in green.