In the third installment of the DS Logan McRae series, the dark and gritty side of Granite City is laid bare. A serial rapist is on the loose, leaving behind a trail of tortured victims and a city in fear. DS Logan McRae finds himself in a race against time to catch the predator, but the case grows even more complicated as his girlfriend, PC Jackie ‘Ball Breaker’ Watson, goes undercover as bait to lure the criminal out of hiding.
As McRae juggles his personal worries for Watson’s safety, a new mystery arises when a blood-soaked body is dumped outside Accident and Emergency. With danger mounting on all sides, McRae must dig deeper into the city’s shadows to uncover the truth. This thriller paints a stark picture of a city’s darkest corners, where no one is safe, and every move could be deadly.
Narrated by Steve Worsley, this gripping 12-CD audiobook brings the tension, drama, and twisted plotlines of Granite City to life. Prepare yourself for a roller-coaster ride of suspense, betrayal, and shocking revelations in this unrelenting crime thriller.
What’s Included
Contains graphic content and language. Not suitable for children or sensitive listeners.
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