Green Tea BOGOF

According the researchers from London’s Kingston University, green tea (& white tea) contain high levels of specific antioxidants, which inhibit enzymes that damage skin cells.


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Sku: 2GTEA

Repair Body Tissue, Sagging Skin, Lose Weight

According the researchers from London’s Kingston University, green tea (white tea) contain high levels of specific antioxidants, which inhibit enzymes that damage skin cells. These enzymes, collagenase and elastase, damage the skin by breaking down collagen and elastin. When you drink these teas the antioxidants allow the body tissues to repair themselves, keeping your skin from sagging.

Green tea contains high concentrations of antioxidant catechins, which have shown a wide range of protective effects, including cardio & cancer-protective, anti-microbial, as well as weight loss abilities and in combating lipid peroxidation in cell membranes lining arterial walls – reducing formation of atherosclerotic plaque, not to mention Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes prevention.

Cultures where green tea is widely consumed have significantly lower incidences of breast, lung, prostate & gastrointestinal cancers. A study on over 40,000 men & women in Japan over 11 years, who drank 3 cups of green tea daily showed:

For Women: 23% lower risk of dying from any cause & bull; 31% lower risk of dying from CV ; 62% lower risk of dying from stroke

For Men:• 12% lower risk of dying from any cause & bull; 22% lower risk of dying from CVD & bull; 42% lower risk of dying from stroke

Another study in Japan on its weight loss abilities found over a three-month period those taking significant levels of catechins lost double the weight of those that did not, recording significantly lower waist circumference, body fat mass, and subcutaneous fat areas than the control group

Each tablet contains minimum 200mg catechins and 300mg poly phenols. Take 2-3 per day for weight loss, skin repair & serious health concerns, otherwise 1 a day as a general antioxidant. Safe for those people sensitive to caffeine.