In these challenging economic times, every bit of savings counts. It’s often the little things that accumulate and make a huge difference. That’s why our tube squeezer is a must-have in every household. Don’t let that bit of toothpaste or cream go to waste anymore. With this gadget, you’re ensured to extract every last drop from your tubes, be it toothpaste, creams, ointments, or gels.
The working principle is sheer simplicity. Slide the flat end of the tube into the slot and push. As you progress, the squeezer flattens the tube, ensuring you dispense its entire contents. The beauty of this device is in its reusability. Buy it once, and you can use it time and time again on various tubes, bringing both economy and ecology to your daily routine.
What’s Included: 1 x Tube Squeezer
Premier Offers Direct
DRMG House
Cremers Road
ME10 3US
Order line: 0871 350 5050
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